ID: com.arthisoft.animalhairsaloon
Version: 14.1.2
Size: 19 Mb
Animal Hair Salon Screenshots
How to install Animal Hair Salon apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Animal Hair Salon Details
Animal Hair Salon1st time in app store Animal Hair Salon, Makeover & Dress-up 3 in 1 game.
The cutest Animal Hair Salon game has arrived!!! Now Dress up your pet the way you want to.
We can have 3 different services: Makeover, Hair Salon & Dressup Your Pet Animals.
Makeover :
* Give your Pet lovely Bath
* Cleanup with Towel
* Cleanup Dirty nose with Paper Napkin
* Give Amazing Facial to your pet
Hair Salon :
* Cut Hair with Tap on Pet's hair
* Dry pet's hair
* Hair oil will make pet's hair grow
* Make a Curly hair
* You can also Straitning pet's hair
* Make a colorful hair with given 15+ hair shades
Dress Up :
* 1000's of possibilities with dressup
* Use of multiple Accessories
* Create a nice Fashionable pet
A well-known Makeover Game in the FASHION industry for you to express your makeover sense with Hair Spa, Makeover , Makeup & Dressup!
Benefits / Features:
* 3 types of different game integration in single app
* Different options available including hair salon,makeover,dresses,
* 1000's of different combinations/looks possible.
* Post your pet's new look on social networking sites
* Save the final look in your photo album.
* In your phone, make different photos matching your friends pet and assign the photos as display pics for their contact name by saving your creation in photo gallery and than assigning to the contact number.
What's new in Animal Hair Salon 14.1.2
Download Animal Hair Salon 14.1.2 mod APK
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How to use Animal Hair Salon mod apk
How to mod Animal Hair Salon 14.1.2 apk
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