ID: vibrate.sensation.massage
Version: 1.2
Size: 0.9 Mb
Vibrate Sensations Screenshots
How to install Vibrate Sensations apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Vibrate Sensations Description
This fun app lets you toy with multiple modes for turning your phone into a vibrating massager!Custom massage modes can be created that can be used to suit your specific vibrate needs.
It can be used as a personal massager, vibrating yourself and others, or just an entertaining app to show your friends. No matter what the reason, it can help relax to whatever your needs may be! Rename the default massage titles to anything you want.
This app comes packed with:
* Custom creation of vibration patterns and names
* 10 different vibrate modes for massage
* One touch operation of vibrator
* Simple and easy to use, just touch the man in the middle to activate on and off
To start and stop the vibration please tap the stick figure in the middle of the screen.
If this functionality does not work please make sure your device's vibrate function is enabled. Please send email to if there are any issues.
Note: We cannot control the intensity of the vibration. The vibration relies on your device's hardware to perform the vibration intensity.
What's new in Vibrate Sensations 1.2
Version 1.2: Updated GUI and layoutPlease let us know of any bugs or suggestions.
Download Vibrate Sensations 1.2 APK
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